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What is Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects people worldwide. This disorder is one of the most severe brain disorders. By definition, it is characterized by profound distortions in one’s thought process, emotions, perceptions, and behavior. It is also known as a “split mind”; the person is in a world that has nothing to do with […]

Lou Gehrig’s disease by Jeremy Horton

The disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease is one that affects the brain and spinal cord.  The disorder causes muscle weakness and atrophy throughout the body caused by the degeneration of the upper and lower motor neurons.  In 1869, French neurologist Jen-Martin Charcot described the disease.  In 1939, Lou […]

Is Malaria in U.S. by Justin Fogarty

Every year it is estimated that Malaria kills almost a million people. It is a disease that comes from a parasitic infection. When bitten by a mosquito the parasite is transferred to the human causing many future problems if not treated. Fifteen hundred of those cases occur in the United States every year. However all […]

Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome(WPW) by Emily Cronin

  Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome, or more commonly known as WPW, is a syndrome that affects your heart. This syndrome can also have negative effects on your physical strength and mental health. The syndrome is a gene mutation that is passed down from your ancestors. With this syndrome your heart created an extra electrical pathway. […]

What is Glaucoma Disease by YeKishia Simpson

Glaucoma is one leading cause of blindness in the United States of America. Glaucoma consists of many complexities that require different approaches to the condition.  This disease damages the eyes so gradually, that vision changes go unnoticed until it is in the advanced stage. The disease affects the optic nerve of the eye which becomes […]

Energy Drinks and the Effects They Cause

Let’s face it we all consume things that well just aren’t good for the human body. Are you familiar with the harm that you are inducing?  Do you know what the outcome can bring you later in life?  Even though there are so many things out there today that may be harmful we choose to […]

Common Causes of Cancer by Kody Johnson

Cancer is the second leading cause of death for all age groups. Men are more likely to develop cancer than women are. Fifty percent of men develop cancer over their lifetime as only one in three women do. The three most common cancers in men are prostate, colon, and Lung. The three most common in […]

What is Multiple Myeloma by Nicole Anderson

Multiple Myeloma is a hematologic form of cancer. Multiple Myeloma begins in plasma cells which are the white blood cells that produce antibodies. On March 13, 2010, my Mother was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. The symptoms she experienced were loss of appetite, nausea, and extremely bad back pain. A pain so severe that you can’t […]

Immune System – Online Lecture Notes Microbiology

Microbiology – Online Lecture Notes Immune System     I. 2 Types of Immunity A. Innate Immunity B. Adaptive (Acquired) Immunity II. Innate Immunity A. Present at birth B. 1st Line of Defense 1. Skin 2. Mucous membranes (respiratory, urogenital, digestive) 3. Normal flora C. 2nd Line of Defense 1. Phagocytes a. Neutrophils – 1st […]

What is Crohn’s Disease by Blerina Fetahu

I am writing this assignment on the topic of Crohn’s disease. The reason that I am writing on this particular topic is because a friend of mine was recently diagnosed with this disease. I did not know much about Cohn’s as well and therefore decided to do more research using the Mayo Clinic site. Crohn’s […]

Yes, we are your local American Heart Association training site. We offer in-person classes, skills checks, and blended online learning.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: 100% of CPR Nashville instructors have entirely completed (1) the rigorous and official American Heart Association instructor training and certification process, and (2) the “How to Teach a Stress-Free CPR Class™” classroom and testing training protocol that ensures a superior experience for everyone. In addition, students will receive their AHA Cards the day of class!

[WARNING]: Because of the high quality, stress-free classroom student experience, our classes fill very fast – so register now to ensure your spot. See our course calendar for online registration or contact us directly by phone, live chat or email with questions.