Depression by Kellie Anton
The older we become, I think we can all agree that life gets tougher. We experience new difficulties and more problems start to occur that all add up to be intense pressure that we put on ourselves. Life is one big roller coaster; a day can change everything. The most important thing we need to […]
Migraines Are Not Just Bad Headaches by Angela Lamb
Despite popular belief among non-migraine sufferers, migraines are not just really bad headaches. In addition to a really bad headache, migraine sufferers, most commonly women, also experience nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and/or sound. Curious to learn more about why females are largely the recipients of this annoying and often disabling problem I dove […]
What is Antibiotic Resistance by Melody Bier
A major concern in the healthcare field today is the growing problem of overuse and misuse of antibiotics leading to bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. The problem of antibiotic resistance is one that not only will affect us at a professional level, but also at a personal level. This is a global issue that […]
What is Anorexia Nervosa by Melisa Crnolic
Eating disorders in children and early adults have sharply increased over the years. However, it should come as no surprise, especially in females. Females are more worried than men about their bodies and compare themselves too much to the celebrities and models they see. Young females compare their bodies to their friends and will complain […]
Alzheimer’s Disease by Megan Poley
Alzheimer’s disease is a form of Dementia that slowly gets worse over time. Dementia is a loss of brain function that can happen with certain kinds of diseases. Genes and environmental factors play a role in Alzheimer’s, but the causes are not fully clear. If you are older you are more likely to get this […]
Diabetes by Cory Do
Diabetic patients have found many welcoming hospitals and facilities, which help aid them through the process of living life with a diabetic disease. This topic was chosen because there are people in society who are unaffected and have little knowledge about diabetes. The goal is to inform, help people with a higher chance of contracting […]
Staphylococcus epidermidis | Microbiology
INTRODUCTION Knowing the identity of microorganisms is beneficial because it allows healthcare professionals the ability to determine the organism’s pathogenicity, to prescribe the right antibiotics, as well as the correct dose, and to effectively treat infections and illnesses in the human body. Microorganisms are also helpful within the human body to aid in the digestion […]
What is Meningitis by Karla Posos
The first few questions that are probably popping into your head right now are, ‘What is meningitis? Do I have meningitis? How do I treat it? How did I get this? Am I going to die!?’ Well, you’re in luck, because it turns out that I will, hopefully, be able to answer all your questions. […]
What is Tinnitus by Elizabeth Dare
Tinnitus is a persistent sound, heard inside of one or both ears, for which there is no external source. For some sufferers, it sounds like chirping, while others hear clicking, whistling, hissing, roaring, or ringing. The sound may be a single tone or multiple tones, and it may remain constant or vary at random. The […]
Metastatic Breast Cancer in Liver by Ogulbyabek Annayeva
Metastatic breast cancer in the liver is breast cancer that has spread from its original site, which is the breast to the liver. The liver is the second most common area the breast cancer spreads to, the first being the bones. The breast cancer that matures where it first started in the breast is so-called […]