Insomnia by Aden Muenala
Insomnia is a sleep disorder. It can make it difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep, or both. Lack of sleep can affect many areas of a person’s life. Insomnia can be either a long-term or short-term disorder. The lack of sleep makes people feel groggy and seeps into almost every area of their life due […]
Cholesterol by Heather Buchheit
Cholesterol is a waxy fat-like substance that, in large amounts, can lead to heart disease. Our bodies need cholesterol for many things to properly function including hormone production, vitamin D creation, and assembly of substances that help to digest food. Cholesterol is made in our body and also obtained from animal products we eat. There […]
Guillain-Barre Syndrome by Sarah Minnick
Guillain-Barre syndrome is a rare disorder which involves the immune system attacking the peripheral nervous system. It can affect any person, at any age, and both sexes are equally prone to it. The disorder only affects one or two people per 100,000 and the exact cause of the disorder is unknown, but it is not […]
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome by Bryan Williams
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition when the median nerve is compressed by inflammation of the tendons or other swelling in the wrist. Some of the effects can range from tingling of the hand, sharp pain in the wrist and not being able to grasp small objects. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be caused by repetitive […]
Kidney Stones by Jessica Unruh
Being diagnosed with kidney stones means you have the tendency to form them, but this can be considered quite trivial. Yes, extreme pain and discomfort can occur, but as long as you understand what they are, how they form, and how to prevent them, before long they can be considered insignificant. A kidney stone is […]
Alzheimer’s Disease Paper by Emily Edwards
The terrible disease known as Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia that usually doesn’t begin until much later in life, closer to the age of 60. There are around 4.5 million people who suffer from this terrible disease and one of the main causes is genetics. Alzheimer’s has many causes, multiple symptoms, and no cure. […]
What is Depression
So common today, that depression steals life away from those who suffer from it. With the varying degrees of depression, people can be unaware that they have it. “Depression is a medical illness that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest.” Depression can cause physical symptoms too. Symptoms of depression range from […]
Sebaceous Cysts by Jordan Pfaff
When thinking on what topic I would write a health paper on, one subject came to mind right away: sebaceous cysts. This is a subject that concerns me personally and this paper gives a good reason to further study this medical condition. Knowing what they are, and how they can be remedied would be a […]
What is Marfan Syndrome
Marfan Syndrome is a genetic disorder in which a person’s connective tissue fails to develop properly because it inhibits the production of a protein necessary for connective tissue to develop, without this protein, connective tissue is less elastic than it normally should be, which makes it weaker than it would be on a person without […]
Lupus by Nancy Bone
Lupus is a disease that affects your immune system causing it to attack the body’s tissues and organs. There are several different types of lupus but the most common is systemic lupus erythematosus. Systemic means it affects many parts of the body. Erythema is a redness of the skin, signaling inflammation or infection. Lupus has […]