Breast Cancer by Meghan Ryckman
When you read of cancer, you hear that the likelihood of being diagnosed with it is more rare than not. This isn’t entirely true, especially when it comes to breast cancer. So, what is breast cancer exactly? Breast cancer is cancer-forming cells that are found in the breast. This type of cancer is not only […]
What is Bacteria Vaginosis by Angela Davidson
Bacteria Vaginosis (BV) is an infection of the vagina that is caused by excessive growth of bad bacteria in the vagina. Sometimes with BV, there will be a discharge, a foul odor, itching, burning, and pain. The cause of BV is not really known or understood and is sometimes misdiagnosed. When a woman has BV […]
Acupuncture for Alzheimer’s by Alexandra Johnson
Dementia of any kind, and Alzheimer’s in particular, is a devastating disease, that takes an extraordinarily high emotional toll on the patient and even on his or her family members. It significantly increases a person’s chance of dying, costs large amounts of money, and at best can be slowed down or a little bit reversed […]
What is Clostridium Difficile by Farrah Poe
Clostridium difficile is a germ that causes watery diarrhea. The germ is highly contagious if a person comes in contact with someone or a surface that hasn’t been sanitized. Hospital infections interest me because I work in a hospital and Clostridium difficile, also known as “C-Diff”, affects as many as 500,000 Americans each year. Clostridium […]
Overweight and Obesity by Ash’Lea Brooks Brown
Obesity and overweight are terms that are used when discussing ranges of weight that surpass what is considered a healthy weight for any given height. Obesity is an excess proportion of body fat overall. When the weight is 20% or more above normal, someone is considered to be obese. Obesity is commonly measured through a […]
Breast Cancer and Young Women by Jennifer Snyder
Each year, one million individuals are diagnosed with cancer. The American Cancer Society estimates that of this one million, 296,980 of these cases will be women diagnosed with breast cancer in the year 2013. Of the 296,980 diagnosed, 7 percent will be women under the age of 40 or roughly 20,789 women. This is a […]
Preventing and Treating Varicose Veins by Jessica Demsko
Varicose veins are a common condition in which veins swell and surface. This happens due to valves in veins malfunctioning. When functioning correctly, these valves open so that blood can flow back up toward the heart, and then they close to prevent blood from flowing backward and pooling in the vein. No vein is immune […]
Trisomy 18 and Chromosomal Abnormalities by Benta Okello
Among three genetic disorders namely Trisomy 13 and 21, Trisomy 18 is a very rare and most severe form of genetic disorder. It is also known as Edwards Syndrome as reported by the National Institute of Health. It is a genetic anomaly that is caused by an extra copy of chromosome attaching itself to the […]
High Sugar Diet by Baljinnyam Batnasan
When we hear the word “sugar”, it brings smiles to our faces and we think of all the sweetness and yumminess. The only taste that humans are born with a natural desire is sweet. Because of this, it is no wonder that the average American diet ingests so much of it. The objective of this […]
First Step with Weight Loss Programs by Jessica Ruckenbrod
Weight loss programs can seem tough and simply not doable Many people do not look at the basics to weight loss. They start out with this crazy new fad thinking it is the new way to magically lose weight and create a new self image you have been wanting. Which in turn, you quickly start […]