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What is Cholecystitis by Krysti Van

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The topic that I chose to write my article on is Cholecystitis. Cholecystitis is the inflammation of the gallbladder. The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ located on the right side of the body. The primary function of the gallbladder is that it contains bile, which is a digestive fluid, which is set in the small intestine. There are two main types of Cholecystitis; Acute Cholecystitis and Chronic Cholecystitis. The difference between the two is that Acute Cholecystitis is sudden and Chronic Cholecystitis is constant and may not come with any symptoms.

Cholecystitis is caused by quite a few things. Gallstones are the primary cause of Cholecystitis. These gallstones block the tube going to the gallbladder. This can cause a build-up of bile that can cause your gallbladder to become inflamed. Other problems that may cause Cholecystitis are bile duct problems and tumors. If this condition is left untreated, it can cause complications and the result can be that the gallbladder can rupture.

Most people with Cholecystitis may have several symptoms. Some symptoms may include severe pain in the upper right side of the abdomen usually beneath the liver. This pain may also shoot up to your right shoulder or upper back. With some, when this area is touched, it may be very tender and feel like you have a bruise. Other symptoms include sweating, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, and possible abdominal bloating. Once you think you may show signs of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately or go straight to your local hospital.

The same with any condition or disease, there are a few risk factors. Gallstones are the primary factor of Cholecystitis. Gallstones are stones or clumps that form in the gallbladder or the ducts that store bile when liquids in there become hard. Another factor of Cholecystitis is being female. Females in general are more than likely to have this condition, especially over-weight females. Age is also another factor. It is reported that older people are more than likely to have Cholecystitis.

There are several ways for a physician to determine whether or not you have or will have Cholecystitis. One way for a physician to determine this is by obtaining a blood test. Usually, the blood test will show a high white blood cell count. An imaging test, usually a CT scan, can show a picture of the abdomen and can show and locate the presence of gallstones in the gallbladder. A HIDA scan (Hydroxy Iminodiacetic Acid) could also be administered. During this test, a radioactive material is injected into the body. This material then goes into the bile ducts, but when it doesn’t enter into the gallbladder, and then there is an obstruction which usually leads to Cholecystitis.

Treatment options are few and far between. Usually, patients with Cholecystitis are hospitalized and given medications for the inflammation. The other option would be the removal of the gallbladder. I had Cholecystitis earlier last year. I had over 20 gallstones in my gallbladder and I had to have emergency gallbladder surgery and have it removed. I did suffer some of the symptoms listed above. I had severe right-side abdominal pains that shot around to my lower right back. I lost my appetite and became extremely nauseous. Now I am only left with a few scars on my stomach and a sense that I am healthy again.


Sydney Pulse, APRN

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