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aha aligned training

How to Have a Healthy Heart by Jonathan Hardwrict

Having a healthy heart is something that all of us who are living and breathing on this earth should strive for. We all need this special organ to live, and maintaining a healthy weight could be a big step in the right direction in keeping it strong and resilient. A good way to go about […]

Famous People with Epilepsy by Kyle Niehaus

Epilepsy is a disease that most people know of, but do not truly understand. Though Epilepsy is an extremely common disease, to which there are 6 different types of it, it is one of the most deadly. Pope Pius IX, recording artist Neil Young, Roman Emperor; Julius Caesar, and the American author Truman Capote are […]

What is Anorexia by Michelle Boeckman

Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder that affects millions of people across the world. People suffering from this disorder are obsessed with their weight, have a distorted body image, and obsessed with what food they are consuming.  Someone with Anorexia eats much less food than his or her body needs and in the most serious […]

What is AIDS Awareness, St. Louis by Marlene McMullen

The article I chose to write about is AIDS awareness. It’s a topic that can’t be spoken enough about in this day and hour. The group I’m choosing to identify with is called EFA, (Effort for AIDS). It’s a non-profit organization whose goal is to educate individuals and communities about HIV/AIDS awareness and intervention.  It […]

What is Group B Streptococcus in Infants by Kerrisha Martin

Over the years I have been introduced to many different diseases and bacteria that affect women’s health more than men’s. One particular bacterium that I found interesting was Group B Streptococcus or more specifically group B strep in infants. When I first heard of the disease I assumed it was a form of strep throat […]

Breast Cancer by Meghan Ryckman

When you read of cancer, you hear that the likelihood of being diagnosed with it is more rare than not. This isn’t entirely true, especially when it comes to breast cancer. So, what is breast cancer exactly? Breast cancer is cancer-forming cells that are found in the breast. This type of cancer is not only […]

Acupuncture for Alzheimer’s by Alexandra Johnson

Dementia of any kind, and Alzheimer’s in particular, is a devastating disease, that takes an extraordinarily high emotional toll on the patient and even on his or her family members.  It significantly increases a person’s chance of dying, costs large amounts of money, and at best can be slowed down or a little bit reversed […]

Overweight and Obesity by Ash’Lea Brooks Brown

Obesity and overweight are terms that are used when discussing ranges of weight that surpass what is considered a healthy weight for any given height. Obesity is an excess proportion of body fat overall. When the weight is 20% or more above normal, someone is considered to be obese. Obesity is commonly measured through a […]

Breast Cancer and Young Women by Jennifer Snyder

Each year, one million individuals are diagnosed with cancer. The American Cancer Society estimates that of this one million, 296,980 of these cases will be women diagnosed with breast cancer in the year 2013.  Of the 296,980 diagnosed, 7 percent will be women under the age of 40 or roughly 20,789 women. This is a […]

Preventing and Treating Varicose Veins by Jessica Demsko

Varicose veins are a common condition in which veins swell and surface. This happens due to valves in veins malfunctioning. When functioning correctly, these valves open so that blood can flow back up toward the heart, and then they close to prevent blood from flowing backward and pooling in the vein. No vein is immune […]

Yes, we are your local American Heart Association training site. We offer in-person classes, skills checks, and blended online learning.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: 100% of CPR Nashville instructors have entirely completed (1) the rigorous and official American Heart Association instructor training and certification process, and (2) the “How to Teach a Stress-Free CPR Class™” classroom and testing training protocol that ensures a superior experience for everyone. In addition, students will receive their AHA Cards the day of class!

[WARNING]: Because of the high quality, stress-free classroom student experience, our classes fill very fast – so register now to ensure your spot. See our course calendar for online registration or contact us directly by phone, live chat or email with questions.