Pseudomonas aeruginosa Report | Microbiology Unknown Lab
UNKNOWN LAB REPORT Unknown Number 106 Megan McBride April 29th, 2014 Microbiology Introduction: There are microorganisms on every single thing in our world. These microorganisms range from deadly to vital for life and health to continue. Either way, all microorganisms must be sought out and studied by scientists, some taking the same path that […]
Example of a Microbiology Unknown Lab Paper | Unknown Bacteria Lab
UNKNOWN LAB REPORT Unknown Number 109 Tyler Wolfangel April 29, 2014 BIO 203-604 Introduction The study of microbiology requires not only an academic understanding of the microscopic world but also a practical understanding of lab techniques and procedures used to identify, control, and manipulate microorganisms. The proper identification of a microorganism is not only […]
What are the Early Signs of Prostate Cancer by Joshua Pfeffer
Prostate cancer, by definition, is a type of cancer that forms in the tissues of the prostate. It is also the second most common type of cancer among men in the United States. In 2013 alone, nearly a quarter million new cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed, and close to 30,000 men lost their lives […]
What is Iliotibial Band Syndrome by Jeff Schmidt
Ever have a severe pain in the side of the knee when performing activities such as walking, running, or cycling? Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) is a pain in the side of the knee and is thought to be an overuse injury. The iliotibial band (IT band) is a thick, dense band of fibrous connective tissue. […]
Albinism By Huynh (Diem) Phan
Albinism is a genetic defect that affects thousands of people each day. This defect affects all races. Unlike other deficiencies or diseases that are easily hidden, Albinism is physically apparent. It is caused by an altered gene that controls the body from producing melanin it which gives humans the pigment color. There are many types […]
PALS Respiratory Lecture – PART II
Here is PART II from the video lecture series on Pediatric Advanced Life Support. This PALS topic is the second part of a lecture on Infant and Child Respiratory Emergency. Watch Video – Part 2 PALS Respiratory Lecture Go to PART I To Register for a 1st Time PALS Certification Class in the […]
PALS Respiratory Lecture – PART I
Video lecture series from CPR Nashville. This video is Part I of II on the topic of Pediatric Advanced Life Support respiratory emergencies. PALS is an American Heart Association-certified class for doctors, nurses, paramedics, and other healthcare providers who deal with infant and child emergencies. PART I: Watch Now Watch the video from a Pediatric […]