What is Dysautonomia by Stacy Muehlher
Dysautonomia is a term used for dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates many involuntary processes within the body. Heart rate, blood pressure, sweating, and the dilation of blood vessels are just some of the functions controlled by this complex system. Within our blood vessels and internal organs, nerves carry sensory impulses to our […]
What is Cholecystitis by Krysti Van
The topic that I chose to write my article on is Cholecystitis. Cholecystitis is the inflammation of the gallbladder. The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ located on the right side of the body. The primary function of the gallbladder is that it contains bile, which is a digestive fluid, which is set in the small […]
Vulvar Vestibulitis: Misdiagnosed Disease by Heather Mitchell
Sex, urinating, sitting comfortably, and other miscellaneous things like these are often taken for granted. Unfortunately for some women, these things cannot be done and this is due to a disease called Vulvar Vestibulitis. Many times this goes overlooked by physicians thinking that it is a urinary tract infection bladder infection, STD, or simply that […]
Biliary Duct Diseases By Kelly Graeler
Within the past year, I have been diagnosed with a condition known as bile duct strictures. When the doctor told me the news, I had so many questions running through my head, such as: What are bile ducts? What do they do? Is there treatment? Will my condition get better over time? While I received […]
What is Aortic Stenosis by Kim Stacy
Aortic stenosis is a condition in which the aortic valve in the heart does not open and close properly. Your heart has four valves; the aortic valve is the one that pumps blood from the left ventricle of the heart to the rest of the body (except the lungs) via the aorta. Aortic stenosis is […]
Facing the Childhood Obesity Epidemic by Rebecca Yohe
Childhood obesity is a growing problem worldwide; the rate of overweight children has increased three fold in the last 30 years and continues to climb. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the rate of 2-5 year olds at an unhealthy weight has risen 20% in the last several decades. With the increased […]
Cancer Of The Lung by Tarik Kavazovic
If I were to tell you the biggest killer in the United States could easily be stopped, you would probably beat me up and throw me in jail. Nevertheless, it is true. In 2012, 226,160 people were diagnosed with lung cancer and only 40,000 of them survived. The killer? Smoking. Cigarettes contain 7,000 chemicals and […]
Niacin Treatment in Heart Disease by Trinh Nguyen
It has become evident how coronary heart disease has affected the lives of many. As the heart is the central organ of our body, dysfunction leads to failure in the functioning of other various organs. A person suffering from heart disease undergoes tremendous physical and mental stress, and it most often leads to disability, lower […]
Concussion Recognition In Sports by Jeff Shelton
Sports have been passed down from generation to generation, since the start of the first pitch or first pass. Following the tradition of sports being passed down to the younger generation are also concussions. Concussions have been following sports since the dawn of time, and it has always been a worrisome topic. When you bring […]
What is Vitiligo by Elizabeth Knight
Vitiligo is a disease where a person’s skin loses its melanin. Melanin is a pigment that controls and makes up a person’s skin color, hair color, and eye color. Melanin also helps protect the skin from ultraviolet rays. This disease is brought upon by the dying of melanocytes, or melanin producing cells, or cells that […]