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9 Things You Must Know About Pelvic Inflammatory Disease By Melanie Fletcher

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Pelvic Inflammatory disease is an infection in the female reproductive organs such as the uterus and fallopian tubes. The infection is brought on when women do not get the treatment done for the initial infection. This disease is the most common cause of female infertility. Pelvic inflammatory disease can be prevented with the treatment of the initial infection. Most cases are caused by the bacteria from chlamydia and gonorrhea. Here are some facts that are important when dealing with pelvic inflammatory disease.

  1. Each year, it is estimated that 750 thousand to one million women experience an episode of pelvic inflammatory disease in the United States. With that said, one in eight sexually active girls will develop pelvic inflammatory disease before age 20.
  2. The cause of pelvic inflammatory disease is when a bacterial sexually transmitted disease is not treated, the bacteria will move from the vagina into the uterus and reproductive organs. There are many different types of bacteria that can cause this infection but it is mostly from chlamydia and gonorrhea.
  3. Sex is not the only way that an initial infection can occur. The bacteria may enter the body through childbirth, miscarriage, abortion, an endometrial biopsy, or the insertion of an intrauterine device.
  4. Adolescent females are more likely to develop pelvic inflammatory disease for the fact that the cervix of younger women is not fully matured. Making it easier for the bacteria to travel from the vagina to the uterus.
  5. Women who douche have a higher risk of developing pelvic inflammation. Douching disrupts the normal flora of the vagina in harmful ways. Douching also causes the bacteria to move up into the upper reproductive organs which is the cause of pelvic inflammatory disease.
  6. Symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease include pain in the pelvis or lower back, discoloration of vaginal discharge, painful sexual intercourse, bleeding after intercourse, no menstruation, and/or increased menstrual cramping. Also, there may be no symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease. Women who have an ectopic pregnancy or infertility may have silent symptoms. Silent symptoms are also caused by chlamydia.
  7. Treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease needs to be fast. The fast treatment of the disease will help prevent further complications it can cause. This disease can cause permanent damage to the female reproductive organs making the female infertile. Up to 10-15 percent of women who experience pelvic inflammatory disease may become infertile. Complications also include scarring of the fallopian tubes, chronic pelvic pain, ovarian abscess, and sexual dysfunction.
  8. In most cases, 85 percent of treatments are successful. In 75 percent of cases, patients do not experience another pelvic inflammatory infection. But with the recurrence of the infection, infertility increases.
  9. Pelvic inflammatory disease can be prevented. The use of birth control methods such as condoms, diaphragms, and spermicides reduces the risk of the disease. Also, getting regular screening for sexually transmitted diseases. 

Pelvic inflammatory disease is a life-threatening disease. This disease is preventable and also treatable. The practice of safe sex or not having sex is the key to avoiding pelvic inflammatory disease. Being aware of your body and noticing significant changes is important to know if the infection has occurred. Realizing the infection early can prevent further complications to the female reproductive organs. When being sexually active, you need to be smart and take every precaution to prevent pelvic inflammatory disease.

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