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9 Things to Know About a Prolapsed Uterus by Bijalben Shah

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Prolapse means falling out of place. Uterus prolapse occurs when the uterus falls down or slips out from its normal position into or through the vagina. The uterus is an organ of the female reproductive system which is located inside the pelvis. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles and ligaments attached to our pubic bone and our tailbone. The muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor support and held the uterus in its position. If these muscles and structures weaken and stretch, they cannot support the uterus, and the uterus falls down into or protrudes out of the vagina.

1. Prolapse uterus can affect any woman at any age and anything that puts pressure on the pelvic floor.

2. The common causes of pelvic floor weaken including pregnancy and childbirth.  Women who have had one or more vaginal birth, with large babies, or after a difficult labor and delivery can damage pelvic muscles and supportive tissues may lead to prolapse.

3. Other factors for uterus prolapse include obesity, chronic coughing, and chronic constipation that put pressure on the pelvic floor.  Women with overweight and who frequently strain due to constipation increase the pressure inside the woman’s abdomen.

4. Estrogen gives strength and elasticity to vaginal tissue. As women get older, it decreases estrogen hormone levels that cause pelvic floor muscles less supportive and the uterus can collapse into a vaginal canal called a prolapsed uterus.

5. Prolapsed uterus can be categorized into three different stages. It can be complete or incomplete depending on how far it’s descending from its place.

  • The first type of prolapse occurs when the uterus drops into the upper part of the vagina.
  • The second type of prolapse occurs when the uterus sticks to the opening of the vagina.
  • The third type of prolapse occurs when the entire uterus is outside the vagina.

It can be one of three types of prolapsed uterus that depend on the severity of the condition.

6. There are no symptoms in a woman who has a mild prolapsed uterus. However, the uterus moving further out of its position can give pressure on the pelvic floor or make it uncomfortable in daily life causing a variety of symptoms.

7. The most common symptom is to feeling pressure on the pelvis. Other including, feeling as we are sitting on a small ball, vaginal bleeding or excessive discharge from the vagina, pain during sexual intercourse, feeling something coming out of the vagina, low back pain, and trouble having a bowel movement or difficulty in urination.

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8. Uterus prolapse can be uncomfortable and painful. It is good to notify healthcare professionals of any of these symptoms.

9. There are surgical and non-surgical treatments applied to patients depending upon their severity to support the uterus. Minor prolapses can be treated with exercise to strengthen pelvic floor muscle, Obese patients are encouraged to lose weight in order to reduce pressure on the pelvic floor, and more serious prolapsed uterus requires surgical treatment that can support the prolapsed uterus. A woman who doesn’t want to do surgery is asked to wear a vaginal ring called pessary in the vaginal canal in order to support the uterus. It can be only effective if it’s cleaned and checked often as needed.

Pelvic floor muscles and ligaments held the uterus in its position. Due to weekend muscles and ligaments, the uterus slips down to its position called a prolapsed uterus. Causes are childbirth, menopause, obesity, and anything that put pressure on the pelvis. Pelvic floor exercise, surgery, and pessaries are used to treat prolapsed uterus.







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